Petition to Terminate Housing Contract
Housing Petition Forms
Please know that you have signed a legal and binding academic year contract (fall and spring semesters). Residence Life & Housing offers this petition for consideration of extreme circumstances. It makes no guarantees that meeting any of the conditions outlined in this document will release you from your contractual obligation. Petitions for contract termination are evaluated based on a change in status that has occurred since the beginning of the contract period.
Current and Former Student Resident Petition Form

If you CURRENTLY have an active housing contract, select this form.
If you wish to move off campus and remain enrolled as a UCCS student, you must petition to be released from your housing contract.
Future Student Petition Form

If you DO NOT yet live on campus and do not meet any of the specified exemption requirements, select this form.
Petitions are considered based upon a change that has occurred since the beginning of the contract period, or since moving onto campus.
1. Generally, students petition their housing contract due to unforeseen medical or financial circumstances.
2. Other reasons include marriage/domestic partnership or educational requirements.
3. For all other reasons, you must meet with your Residence Hall Manager to discuss options before submitting a formal petition. The desire to live elsewhere, roommate conflicts, or hall-related concerns are not grounds for release.
4. Exemption forms cannot be submitted as reason to petition after moving on to campus.
1. Download and complete all information and checklists provided on the applicable petition form (links below). Please make sure to complete the correct Petition Form for your circumstances.
2. Petition forms and all documentation should be placed in a sealed envelope addressed ATTN: Customer Service Specialist.
Submissions are received at the Housing Operations Office located at the LaPlata House, Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.
Petition forms and documentation may alternatively be submitted via email to housing@uccs.edu. All documentation MUST be submitted in a single PDF file format.
3. Petitions are reviewed by the Petitions Committee on the 1st and the 15th of each month. Petitions turned in by the 1st of any month will be reviewed the first week of that month; Petitions turned in after the 1st of any month will be reviewed the week after the 15th of that month. If the 1st or 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, submissions will be reviewed the next business day.
4. Please note: a decision is not immediate. You can expect a decision within 30 days from the date UCCS Housing Operations receives the petition.
This deadline response time is subject to change if the Committee requires additional documentation to finalize their decision. We will send all communication to the student’s UCCS email account.
The Housing Petitions Committee is a team made of individuals from campus departments outside of the Housing office, including Financial Aid, the Wellness Center, Orientation, Mental Health Services and Disability Services. Housing does not officiate the final decision in order to maintain a fair and impartial process for our students.
You will be notified of the petition approval by email directly to your UCCS account.
- If your petition is approved BEFORE you move out, your bill will be adjusted to reflect the date you check out of your room with your RA.
- If your petition is approved AFTER you have already checked out with your RA, your bill will only be adjusted to the date your petition was approved.
Charges will continue until you complete the official check out process. If your petition is approved, you forfeit your security deposit in full.
You will be notified of the petition denial by email directly to your UCCS account.
You can appeal the decision by sending a written statement to the Director of Housing Operations. Appeals must be received within one week from the date you were notified of the outcome of your petition.
- Appeals are will be presented to the appeal to the Appeals Committee. The Committee will render a decision within 10 business days unless additional information is requested.
- You will be notified of the decision of your appeal by email directly to your UCCS account.