Application FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
When you submit your application, you’re not just choosing your room preferences. You're also agreeing to the terms and conditions in the UCCS Housing Contract. This Contract becomes effective as soon as you submit the online application - it is a legal and binding academic-year contract, so be sure to understand what you agree to!
If you have any questions about the application or early arrival, you are in the right place! Check our housing information page for questions about your move-in, breaks, or booking. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us directly!
Students must first be admitted to UCCS before filling out the housing application.
If you cannot access the application, it may be because you were recently admitted to UCCS. It takes at least 24 hours for admitted students to access the housing application after acceptance.
Helpful Tip: make sure you do not include "@uccs.edu" in your username.
If you still have not had success logging into the application, please email us at housing@uccs.edu.
Students must pay a $600 deposit to submit their application. This is payable via credit card on the application; checks can be mailed or dropped off at the Housing Operations office (Debit cards cannot be accepted).
The deposit consists of three parts:
- $100 NON-REFUNDABLE application fee
- $200 security deposit; will be held as a deposit against damages while the Student remains in any Housing Facility
$300 prepayment will be applied as a credit to the Student’s University account at the beginning of the Fall semester after (1) housing charges are paid and (2) the Student moves into his/her room.
Students forfeit their deposit in full if they cancel their housing after May 31st (Fall applicants) or December 1st (Spring applicants)
Please note that the online portal does not accept debit cards. Payments can be made via credit card, check, or cash.
If you are struggling with the application's payment portion, don't hesitate to contact our office at housing@uccs.edu.
Your UCCS Housing Contract is for the entire academic year (August-May) or spring only. We do not offer fall-only contracts. Students may live at UCCS for the fall-only if they are fulfilling an academic requirement, such as study abroad or National Student Exchange. Please email housing@uccs.edu if you have any questions.
We cannot guarantee that you will get your #1 room choice. Placements are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. The earlier you apply, the more likely you will get your first pick! The housing application priority deadline is March 15th.
On the application, you will be able to "rank" your top-six room-types. We do our best to accommodate! There is not an option to pick the exact building or floor.
On the last page of the application, you will be given a unique "roommate code." If you know someone you would like to room with, you may exchange codes and enter them into your application! We cannot guarantee that you will be able to room with your request, but we do our best to accommodate!
Part of the application includes a "Roommate Matching Questionnaire." If you do not request a roommate, this will help us place you with someone with relatively similar living habits and lifestyles.
UCCS understands that students with a documented disability may need reasonable accommodations for the residence hall environment. Disability Services reviews requests for Housing Accommodations on a student-by-student basis, depending on the medical information provided in the documentation of a disability.
Please visit UCCS Disability Services to learn more.
Fall semester: We will email your UCCS account in early to mid-summer. This will include information about your room, building, and roommates. Things might change before you move in, and we do our best to keep you updated.
Spring semester: We will announce your room assignment in early January. Between semesters, a lot changes, and we have to wait to make new assignments until we know what is available!
For early arrival review our move-in information.
- All first-year, first-time students under the age of 20 are required to live on campus with a meal plan.
- First-year, first-time students is defined as having fewer than thirty (30) credit hours. Credits taken concurrent with high school and/or credits attained through Advance Placement (AP), CLEP, International Baccalaureate or similar programs.
Please review our Housing Cancellation Form webpage for more detailed information.