Application FAQs

Application Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When you submit your application, you’re not just choosing your room preferences. You're also agreeing to the terms and conditions in the UCCS Housing Contract. This Contract becomes effective as soon as you submit the online application - it is a legal and binding academic-year contract, so be sure to understand what you agree to!

If you have any questions about the application or early arrival, you are in the right place! Check our housing information page for questions about your move-in, breaks, or booking. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us directly!

Application Questions

I can't access the application
What is the application deposit?
Why won't my application accept my payment?
Can I live at UCCS for just the fall semester?
Will I get the room I want?
Can I pick my roommate?
I require an accommodation to live on campus
When will I know my placement?