Residence Hall Association

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a student-run organization at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs consisting of on-campus residents from both villages. RHA is committed to student leadership, advocacy, programming and receiving student feedback to make living on-campus the best experience for residents. 

Mission Statement

The Residence Hall Association shall provide for a cooperative effort in unifying and serving the students living in the Residential Villages on the campus at University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS). 

RHA Executive Board



This is the official monetary program proposal form for the UCCS Residence Hall Association. All proposals will first be reviewed by the executive board and then be brought before the general assembly for a vote.

Residence Hall Association Constitution Bylaws Article V. Co-sponsorship Section 1: Definition and Process. Co-sponsorship is defined in two ways: either monetary co-sponsorship (hereafter referred to MC-S) or assistance co-sponsorship (hereafter referred to as AC-S). Monetary co-sponsorship is allocating monetary resources to a program or event. 

Assistance co-sponsorship allocates human resources (time, personnel) to a program or event. For Co-sponsorship to occur, a program proposal shall be submitted to the Residence Hall Association Executive Board (RHAEB) and presented to the Residence Hall Association Legislative Assembly (RHALA). RHALA will vote on the proposal and determine the amount of human resources, or monetary resources dealing with co-sponsorships at the discretion of the RHAEB. 

RHA shall ensure that if they co-sponsor a program the program's advertisement has RHA’s brand as a symbol of co-sponsorship. The program proposal process shall be decided upon by the RHAEB at the beginning of the school year. Any changes to the process shall be presented and voted upon by the RHALA. 

Section 2: Criteria for Co-sponsorship. Proposals must be submitted via the form below to the RHA Advisor(s) at least two (2) weeks before the date of the event referred to in the proposal. The RHAEB for assistance co-sponsorship may waive the two-week advance notice at their discretion. 

Monetary co-sponsorship shall only be available to current residents and current resident assistants living in University campus housing.

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