Current Student FAQs
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
If you have any questions about campus life, our FAQ page is here to help! You'll find answers to the most common questions, from housing and dining to general living questions. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us directly!
General Questions
If it’s between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., you will need to come to your village front desk to check in or call the duty phone. A Housing staff member will meet you at the desk and escort you to your room.
- La Plata Front Desk: (719) 255-4042
- Monarch Front Desk: (719) 255-6288
If it's after 5 p.m., you will need to call the RA on-call. Please note that the RA on-call numbers are only for students currently living on campus. Do not call these numbers otherwise.
- Summit RA On-Call: (719) 255-4600
- Alpine RA On-Call: (719) 255-6500
If you have an emergency, call UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111. Residents must provide a valid ID to gain access to their room. If a resident does not have an ID, the resident will be asked to verify the resident's Student ID number and home phone number.
Please submit a work order by clicking on the button below. Our maintenance team will respond with a solution as soon as possible - until the lock or key is fixed, a staff member can let you into your room.
First, check the lost and found at both village desks, the University Center, the library, and the Campus Police Department.
It will cost $100.00 to replace your keys. If you are not having any luck, please submit a work order so our team can get you a new key as soon as possible.
Call your village front desk. We should be able to fix the problem over the phone. If the magnet strip is scratched or worn out, you may need to go to the University Center to have a new card printed.
Replacing your physical ID with a mobile ID is fast, easy, convenient, and free!
- Your Mobile ID works everywhere on campus. Use your mobile ID for door access, Clyde's Cash, and meal plans
- No Bad Hair Days! Upload your photo through the app
- Works with iPhone, Apple Watch, or Android Phone
You can find more information on the Lion OneCard page.
A loft kit raises your bed about six feet above the ground, giving you more floor space.
Loft kits come with a ladder, safety rail, and the additional pieces needed to raise it. The tools can be checked out at the Monarch/La Plata desk, or you can bring a 3/16 Allen wrench (hex key) and a 1/2-inch socket wrench to loft the bed.
Kits are available on move-in day and first come, first served. After move-in day, you must contact your RA to check availability. They will help you pick one up if we have any left!
If your light goes out, a shelf breaks or anything else needs repair, submit a work order, and our maintenance crew will help get things back to normal!
Please note that the maintenance team's response is not immediate, they will be with you as soon as possible!
Visit the OIT help page to chat, email, or call with questions about internet service, connectivity, UCCS accounts, and more.
Please leave space between the radiant heater under your window so they can work. If you have any items blocking the heater, it will not work.
The residence halls do not have air conditioning, and window air conditioners are not permitted. Fans are recommended to keep rooms cool.
We currently do not offer family housing.
The housing facilities have equipment that residents may check out at the front desk of each village such as; brooms, mops, vacuums, plungers and metal flat beds. Items must be returned within 24 hours and in good condition. Failure to return checked-out items within this time frame will result in a fine of $25.00 per day, until the equipment is returned. The resident will be billed within 48 hours of the item being late.
Furniture Height Length Width/Depth
Bed (lowest setting) 12” 83” 38”
Bed (middle setting) 25” 83” 38”
Bed (highest setting) 36” 83” 38”
Bed Lofted approx.5 ft. 83” 38” (apartments don’t loft)
Desk 30” 42” 24”
Armoire 74” 36” 24” (not in apartments)
Bookcase 30” 36” 12”
Desk Chair 35” 19” 17”
- Resident Assistants are on call after 5 pm to help with lockouts or other safety needs. If a student is locked out of his or her room, he or she will be documented for a lockout.
- Dining halls do not open until the actual move-in day for first-year students.
- Campus dining venues do have limited hours, and we encourage students to visit the dining and food service website.
- Interactive campus map
- Monarch desk 719-255-6288: Monday-Friday 8 am - 5 pm
- La Plata Desk 719-255-4042: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm (The La Plata front desk is the only open front desk December 18-22, 2023; January 2-12, 2024)
- The campus is closed between December 23 and January 1. For emergency assistance, call the on-call staff phones below.
- Summit Village On-Call: 719-255-4600
- Village at Alpine Valley On-Call: 719-255-6500
Mail Questions
Each resident village has a specific address. You do not need to write the village, building, or suite. Make sure the first and last name is clearly written.
- If you live in Summit Village:
P.O. Box and Room
1010 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918.
- If you live in the Village at Alpine Valley:
P.O. Box and Room
4725 Clyde Way
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918
UCCS Housing will send you an email notification if you have a package that has arrived at your village.
All mail must be sorted in the Mailing Services before it is delivered to the resident villages. It may be on campus, but it is not ready for you to pick up.
All perishable items, such as flowers, cakes, etc., are delivered to the front desk of the village where the resident resides. If a resident receives a package, the resident will receive notification and instructions to report to the appropriate front desk. Please note that we do not have refrigeration available for perishable deliveries. Residents should plan to pick up these packages as soon as possible to eliminate loss of freshness.
Yes! We are happy to send mail for you. However, all mail must already have paid postage for us to send it. You can easily print a pre-paid shipping label by searching any postal carrier (USP, USPS, FedEx, etc.) online. Shipping options are also available through the Campus Store.
All residents have their own personal mailbox for letter mail. Your mailbox is in the Monarch House if you live in Summit Village. If you live in the Village at Alpine Valley, your mailbox is in the La Plata House.
If you have trouble opening your mailbox, ask our Front Desk Assistant for help.
Yes! We will happily forward your letter mail for 30 days after you leave campus. You can submit a mail forwarding request through your housing portal. Please note: we cannot forward packages unless you email housing@uccs.edu a pre-paid shipping label.
Room Assignments and Payment Information
UCCS Housing offers open room-change periods throughout the academic year. This is the best time to submit a request to switch locations around campus—no questions asked. Our office will notify residents prior to the open room-change periods with all the details they need to know.
If it is outside an open room-change period, you will first need to contact your RA to discuss your options. They are a great resource for helping navigate roommate conflict or other concerns. Our office will be unable to offer a room change unless you have met with the right individuals first.
Our office will notify residents in early to mid-spring with details about the renewal process, so keep an eye on your UCCS email.
You can select a meal plan if you live in the upper-class apartments by submitting a request.
Students living in Village at Alpine Valley or Summit can submit to upgrade to the platinum plan.
At the beginning of each semester, you might be able to change your original meal plan if you haven't already used it. You can always add additional meals at any time!
Please reference the UCCS Dining FAQ page.
UCCS Housing includes your parking permit in your housing cost; you do not need to spend anything extra to bring a car to campus. However, you still need to register your vehicle with Parking and Transportation before you can park on campus. Make sure your car is registered by visiting the Parking Portal.
Remember: your resident permit is only valid in the Alpine Parking Garage. You will be ticketed in other lots.
Early Arrival
Students will need to fill out an early arrival form. The form must be submitted on or before August 1st for the Fall semester or January 5th for the Spring semester. Requests made after these dates cannot be guaranteed approval.
Students will be notified via their UCCS student email account the week before move-in for each semester.
Early arrival to campus is limited to students enrolled at UCCS for the upcoming semester with a completed housing application and housing assignment for the current academic year.
- Residence Life and Housing cannot accept early arrival requests from students who have not completed a housing application and have not yet received a housing assignment for the upcoming semester.
- If a student has not yet received an on-campus assignment, they should contact Residence Life and Housing by email (housing@uccs.edu) to discuss possible options.
- Residence Life and Housing cannot accommodate students who are not living on campus for the upcoming semester.
- Residence Life and Housing cannot accommodate students transitioning from summer housing on campus to off-campus housing.
- Students who are not yet enrolled in courses will not be permitted to move in (early or normal) until they are enrolled in classes.
Early arrivals will start no earlier than three (3) days before the date of first-year student move-in for the Fall term and one week before move-in for the spring term.
- Temporary rooms may be in a different suite, building, or village than their permanent placement for the academic year.
- Students placed in temporary rooms will be notified when their permanent assignment is ready for occupancy.
- If a student is placed in a temporary room, they will have 24 hours from the time of notification to transition into their permanent assignment. Students need to make sure that their temporary room is cleaned and ready for another student upon moving to their permanent space.
$40.00 per night (up to 3 nights) or $125 for a week.
- A sponsoring department or athletic team may pay the student's early arrival cost.
- Early arrival will be billed to the student account for all eligible students.
- Students may not pay with cash or check.
- If a student is assigned to a temporary room and that space is not cleaned after the student moves to their permanent space, then the minimum cost for cleaning is $40.00, and the student could be charged an improper checkout fee of $50.00.
No. Once a student has picked up the keys, they are responsible for them and will be charged the early arrival rate.
- If a student-athlete arrives early without the team covering the early arrival costs, they will be responsible for paying the early arrival fees.
- Athletes participating in an end-of-year athletic camp with conference services may transition to an early arrival student at the conclusion of the camp, but fees still apply.
- The department the student is employed by would need to sponsor them. Otherwise, they would be responsible for the early arrival charge.
- A letter from the department the student is employed by needs to be provided to Residence Life and Housing. This letter should include the student's position, and the dates required to work.
- Early arrival check-in for Spring 24 will occur at the La Plata front desk between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Check-ins after 5 p.m. or on weekends in either village will need to contact the RA on call. This number is posted on the buildings and is provided in the "Important Phone Numbers" section above.
- A UCCS ID is required at the time of check-in.
Late Stay Request
Late stay approvals are not guaranteed. Approval or denial will be sent in writing to the student's UCCS email.
The form must be submitted on or before May 10th for Spring and December 8th for Fall. Requests made after these dates cannot be guaranteed approval.
Students will be sent a notification of approval or denial via their UCCS student email account the week prior to move-out for the requested term's late stay.
Late Stays/Move-Out is limited to students enrolled at UCCS for the upcoming semester with a completed housing application and housing assignment for the subsequent academic term.
Students who request a late stay/late move-out past the required move-out date can only extend their stay by up to 3 days. There is a $40/day charge for late stays.
Students who need more than three days late stay are encouraged to complete a winter break stay form.
$40.00 per night.
If a student-athlete needs to move out late without the team covering late stay costs, he or she will be responsible for payment of late stay fees.
Check-outs are between 8 a.m. to 5pm, Monday - Friday at the La Plata Front Desk for residents.
Check-outs after 5pm or on weekends in either village will need to contact the RA on call, or you can fill out an express check-out envelope in La Plata and drop keys in the express check-out box. The RA on call number is posted on the buildings and is provided in the "Important Phone Numbers" section above.
Express Check-out
- In lieu of checking out with an RA, residents do have the opportunity to complete an Express Checkout form.
- By completing an express checkout, the resident waives the visual walkthrough for damages and cleaning with staff.
- The resident also waives their right to appeal for any cleaning charges noted by either the RA or Residence Life professional staff.
- If the resident does not complete an express checkout, the resident will be charged $50.00 for an improper checkout and the fee for room and mailbox keys.